Hemoglobin Okayama [β‐2 (NA 2) His → Gln]: A new ‘silent’ hemoglobin variant with substituted amino acid residue at the 2,3‐diphosphoglycerate binding site

A new ‘silent’ abnormal hemoglobin, Hb Okayama [β2 (NA 2) His → Gln], happened to be discovered in a diabetic Japanese female living in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, in the course of glyco‐Hb measurement of the blood samples of diabetic patients. This variant did not differ from Hb A by conventional electrophoretic tests. Only the isoelectric focusing on PAG plate for the determination of glyco‐Hb and the cation exchanger chromatography were successful in the separation of this abnormal variant from Hb A and glyco‐Hb. Functional study of the whole blood demonstrated a slight increase of oxygen affinity.