Partial Test of the Universality Hypothesis: The Case of Next-Nearest-Neighbor Interactions

High-temperature series expansions are used to examine the dependence of critical-point exponents upon the presence of second-neighbor interactions. We consider the Hamiltonian Hnnn=J1ΣijnnSi(D)·Sj(D)J2ΣijnnnSi(D)·Sj(D), where the first and second sums are over pairs of nearest-neighbor (nn) and next-nearest-neighbor (nnn) sites, and where the spins S(D) are D-dimensional unit vectors. The two-spin correlation function, C2(r), is calculated to tenth, ninth, and eighth order in 1kBT for the Ising (D=1), classical-planar (D=2), and classical-Heisenberg (D=3) models, respectively, for various values of the parameter RJ2J1 and for various cubic lattices (fcc, bcc, and sample cubic). These represent the first series expansions of the spin correlation function for nnn interactions. From C2(r) we obtain series for the specific heat, susceptibility, and second moment. Analysis of these series and detailed comparisons with the exactly soluble spherical model (D=) lead us to conclude that the exponents γ (susceptibility) and ν (correlation length) may be independent of R; this suggestion is consistent with the universality hypothesis.