Conservative Surgery in T3–T4 Pharyngolaryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An Alternative to Radiation Therapy and to Total Laryngectomy for Good Responders to Induction Chemotherapy

Objective To evaluate the possibility of preservation of the larynx after neoadjuvant chemotherapy by performing a conservative surgery instead of total laryngectomy initially planned, in patients with previously untreated laryngeal and piriform sinus squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).Study Design Retrospective study.Methods A total of 115 patients treated at Tenon Hospital with induction chemotherapy from 1985 to 1995, all with initial indication of radical surgery, were available for the study. The clinical tumor response was evaluated after three cycles of chemotherapy. According to this response, to preserve laryngeal functions, some patients had a modification of the treatment initially planned: radiation therapy essentially for complete responders, and conservative surgery for some partial responders.Results Of 69 patients with laryngeal cancer, 14 were treated by partial laryngectomy and 19 by radiation therapy; of 46 patients with piriform sinus cancer, 8 were treated by partial surgery and 12 by radiation therapy; the other patients were treated as was initially planned (total laryngectomy with partial pharyngectomy). Overall survival rates, estimated by the Kaplan‐Meier method, were not statistically different between the three treatment groups. The laryngeal functions were preserved in 54% of the patients who were alive at 3 years.Conclusion This report is a retrospective study, but these results suggest the possibility of using conservative surgery, instead of initially planned total laryngectomy, for good responders to induction chemotherapy with a small residual tumor.