Two-step high-resolution laser spectroscopy of the Stark substates of the n=44 level in atomic hydrogen

Two synchronised pulsed single-mode tunable laser systems are used to excite atomic hydrogen in an atomic beam. A vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser populates first the 2p 2P3/2 sublevel from the ground 1s 2S1/2 state. A second-step UV laser selects substates of the n=33 manifold in the presence of a weak electric field (23.6 V cm-1). Stark patterns of this manifold are recorded for different polarisation configurations of the exciting light beams. The n=44 substates are detected by the standard field ionisation technique. The measured relative intensities of the Stark components agree with the theoretical excitation probabilities in the two-step process, calculated to the first order of perturbation theory.