A comparison of the effectiveness of the four British virus vector species of Longidorus and Xiphinema

SUMMARY: The frequency with which the four virus‐vector species of longidoroid nematodes occurring in Britain transmitted their associated plant viruses were compared in a series of experiments using a standard procedure. In these tests Xiphinema diversicaudatum proved an effective vector of British isolates of arabis mosaic virus and strawberry latent ringspot virus and Longidorus attenuatus of an isolate of tomato black ring virus from England. In comparison, isolates of raspberry ringspot virus and tomato blackring virus from Scotland and of raspberry ringspot virus from England were transmitted much less readily by their respective vectors, L. elongatus and L. macrosoma. These differences in ability to transmit virus were not related to differences in feeding access on the virus source‐ or bait‐plants, in the extent to which virus was retained within the nematode feeding apparatus or in the frequency with which virus was recovered from Longidorus in concurrent slash tests. Three Scottish isolates of raspberry ringspot and tomato black ring viruses were transmitted equally infrequently by two populations of L. elongatus and the frequency with which virus was transmitted was not greatly increased when the species of source or bait plants was changed.