M2,3spectrum of atomic Mn

The 3p3d absorption spectrum of Mn vapor measured by Connerade, Mansfield, and Martin is compared to calculations based upon single-configuration Hartree-Fock multiplet theory and the formalism of Fano for the interaction of discrete and continuum states. It is concluded that the principal decay is through super-Coster-Kronig transitions. The observation of sharp structure associated with the excited states 3p53d64s2(D6), for example, is shown to be consistent with this mechanism. Decay selection rules are found to be a consequence of rotation and inversion symmetry. Spin-orbit interaction in the 3p subshell is treated exactly to obtain the sharp structure below the giant P6 resonance. It is necessary to include the off-diagonal matrix elements of the decay matrix Γ to obtain the correct line shape since the resonances overlap. The resonance shift of the Hartree-Fock multiplet energy of the P6 state is computed to be -2.2 eV. The effects of the energy dependence of the parameters entering the Fano formalism are examined and the strength of other transitions (e.g., 3p4d) is estimated. The importance of the interaction with continua of the form 3p53dm4snεl, m+n=7, (the mechanism of Dehmer, Starace, Fano, Sugar, and Cooper) is assessed. The relationship of this work to calculations of the nonradiative lifetime of 3p holes in transition metals is discussed.