An Accurate Method of Teflon Injection Using Functional Phonosurgery

• A technique for Teflon injection is described that allows the laryngologist to assess vocal fold vibration during general anesthesia. A tracheostomy tube fitted with a rostral air line allows translaryngeal airflow. During endoscopy with a bivalved laryngoscope, the cords are approximated manually. Vocal fold vibration is produced with the cords adducted. The precise site of defects in glottic closure is clearly seen and corrected with Teflon injection. In cases where standard Teflon injection has failed, utilization of this method has allowed substantial voice improvement. The ability to assess vibratory function of the vocal folds during direct suspension laryngoscopy enhances the precision of vocal fold augmentation technuques in difficult rehabilitation cases. (Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1988;114:1321-1323)

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