Pesticide exposure to greenhouse handgunners

The exposure of pesticide applicators in a commercial greenhouse facility was assessed. Data were collected from four handgunners who applied fluvalinate (insecticide), chlorpyrifos (insecticide), ethazol (fungicide), and dicofol (miticide). Potential exposure was measured with exposure pads placed outside all clothing of the applicator. Handwashes and air samples were also collected, as were pre- and post-exposure tank mixture samples. Pesticide penetration was measured with exposure pads placed inside protective clothing. When all exposure assessments were normalized for spray rate, it was determined that applicators were at significantly greater potential dermal risk (excluding hands) from fluvalinate. The normalized air samples showed significantly more exposure to the applicator from ethazol. Exposure to outside pads was primarily (84%) to the legs of the applicators. Ethazol penetrated Tyvek® coveralls more readily than the other compounds. Tank mixture analyses suggested that the wettable powder formulations were not well-mixed.

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