Fluctuation-induced first-order transitions and symmetry-breaking fields. I. Cubic model

A model Hamiltonian for which a stable fixed point is not accessible is expected to yield a first-order transition. By applying a symmetry-breaking field, a continuous transition may be restored. The crossover from first-order to continuous transition induced by the most general quadratic symmetry-breaking field, g, for an n=2 cubic model, is studied using large-g expansion, mean-field, and renormalization-group calculations. It is shown that the (g,T) phase diagram is rather complex, exhibiting tricritical, fourth-order critical, and critical end points. This phase diagram may be realized in certain compounds corresponding to n=2 and n=3 cubic models such as Tb2 (MoO4)3, BaTiO3, RbCaF3, and KMnF3.