Mechanisms of heavy ion dissipative collisions: TheBi209+Kr84reaction atElab=712MeV

Projectilelike reaction products from the Bi209+Kr84 reaction were studied at a laboratory bombarding energy of 712 MeV. The fragments were identified by atomic number, and their kinetic energies and angular distributions were measured with solid-state ΔEE telescopes. The angular distribution is found to be peaked at an angle slightly smaller than the grazing angle and the Z distribution is peaked near Z=36. Correlations of the experimental variables show that the angular and Z distributions broaden drastically with kinetic energy dissipation in damped reactions. Various correlations between experimental observables, including the variance of the Z distributions as a function of the reaction Q value and the relationship between kinetic energy and reaction angle, are interpreted in terms of a classical dynamical model using a proximity one-body transport formalism.