Virtual Cell modelling and simulation software environment

The Virtual Cell (VCell; is a problem solving environment, built on a central database, for analysis, modelling and simulation of cell biological processes. VCell integrates a growing range of molecular mechanisms, including reaction kinetics, diffusion, flow, membrane transport, lateral membrane diffusion and electrophysiology, and can associate these with geometries derived from experimental microscope images. It has been developed and deployed as a web-based, distributed, client–server system, with more than a thousand world-wide users. VCell provides a separation of layers (core technologies and abstractions) representing biological models, physical mechanisms, geometry, mathematical models and numerical methods. This separation clarifies the impact of modelling decisions, assumptions and approximations. The result is a physically consistent, mathematically rigorous, spatial modelling and simulation framework. Users create biological models and VCell will automatically (i) generate the appropriate mathematical encoding for running a simulation and (ii) generate and compile the appropriate computer code. Both deterministic and stochastic algorithms are supported for describing and running non-spatial simulations; a full partial differential equation solver using the finite volume numerical algorithm is available for reaction–diffusion–advection simulations in complex cell geometries including 3D geometries derived from microscope images. Using the VCell database, models and model components can be reused and updated, as well as privately shared among collaborating groups, or published. Exchange of models with other tools is possible via import/export of SBML, CellML and MatLab formats. Furthermore, curation of models is facilitated by external database binding mechanisms for unique identification of components and by standardised annotations compliant with the MIRIAM standard. VCell is now open source, with its native model encoding language (VCML) being a public specification, which stands as the basis for a new generation of more customised, experiment-centric modelling tools using a new plug-in based platform.