Ability of the Hessian Fly to Stunt Winter Wheat. 1. Effect of Larval Feeding on Elongation of Leaves12

Larvae of Mayetiola destructor (Say) were removed from infested “Monon” wheat plants, Triticum aestivum L., at 2-day intervals from 0 to 12 days after eggs hatched. A single larva (Race B), 1.0 mm long, permanently stunted a wheat plant and reduced the fresh weight after 4 days of feeding. Infestations of 2-5 and 5-10 larvae per plant, allowed to feed 3 or 2 days, respectively, caused stunting and reduced both fresh and dry weight of the wheat plants. In every instance the infested plants showed no stunting symptoms whenever the larvae were removed from the plants; instead these symptoms developed 5-6 days later. The larvae probably were too small to remove a sufficient amount of materials from the plant to cause the delayed stunting. However, the larvae could have secreted something into the plant which interfered with the production or movement of metabolites from the 2nd to 3rd leaf and consequently could have prevented elongation of the 3rd leaf.

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