Purpose: Urethral duplication is a rare congenital anomaly. The clinical presentation varies because of the different anatomical patterns of this abnormality. We describe our experience with 16 male patients with this anomaly. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the records of 16 male patients treated for urethral duplication in the last 10 years. Age at presentation ranged from newborn to 8 years. Evaluation included ultrasound, voiding cystourethrography, retrograde urethrography and endoscopy. Results: A blind ending duplicated urethra (type I) was present in 4 patients, 2 independent urethras with distinct bladder necks (type IIA1) in 6, 2 urethras originating from a common bladder neck (type IIA2) in 4, and complete urethral and bladder duplication (type III) in 2. Six patients had associated vesicoureteral reflux. Duplication was an incidental finding at epispadias repair in 3 patients with bladder exstrophy, at hypospadias repair in 1 and at hydrocele repair in 1. One patient with bilateral dysplastic kidneys died in the newborn period. Surgical management included excision of the duplicated urethra in 8 cases and urethroplasty using a pedicle flap in 2, while surgical management was not required in 3. Conclusions: Urethral duplication is a rare congenital anomaly with a variable clinical presentation. This pathological condition may easily be under diagnosed, especially in patients with other associated anomalies, such as hypospadias or bladder exstrophy. Surgical management should be planned individually according to the anatomical findings of the abnormality.