Fast and Slow Deposition of Silver Nanorods on Planar Surfaces: Application to Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence

Two methods have been considered for the deposition of silver nanorods onto conventional glass substrates. In the first method, silver nanorods were deposited onto 3-(aminopropyl)triethoxysilane-coated glass substrates simply by immersing the substrates into the silver nanorod solution. In the second method, spherical silver seeds that were chemically attached to the surface were subsequently converted and grown into silver nanorods in the presence of a cationic surfactant and silver ions. The size of the silver nanorods was controlled by sequential immersion of silver seed-coated glass substrates into a growth solution and by the duration of immersion, ranging from tens of nanometers to a few micrometers. Atomic force microscopy and optical density measurements were used to characterize the silver nanorods deposited onto the surface of the glass substrates. The application of these new surfaces is for metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF), whereby the close proximity of silver nanostructures can alter the radiative decay rate of fluorophores, producing enhanced signal intensities and an increased fluorophore photostability. In this paper, it is indeed shown that irregularly shaped silver nanorod-coated surfaces are much better MEF surfaces as compared to traditional silver island or colloid films. Subsequently, these new silver nanorod preparation procedures are likely to find a common place in MEF, as they are a quicker and much cheaper alternative as compared to surfaces fabricated by traditional nanolithographic techniques.