Bootstrapped decorrelating algorithm for adaptive interference cancelation in synchronous CDMA communications systems

A code division multiple access detector that employs a combination of a correlation detector and a multiuser adaptive interference canceler was previously proposed by the authors. The weights of the canceler are adaptively controlled by the steepest descent algorithm using the minimum power criterion of the canceler outputs. It was shown that such a canceler substantially outperforms the decorrelating detector and has almost the same error probability as a canceler that uses reliable estimates of the received signal energies. In this paper, a different weight control criterion based on minimizing the correlation between the signals at the outputs of the canceler is used, and its performance is compared to that obtained with the minimum power criterion. It is shown that both cancelers have almost the same performance, particularly when SNR is modestly high. Although it is not shown in this paper, we believe that minimizing correlation rather than power outputs is a more suitable criterion when dealing with highly dispersive channels.

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