Influence of Disorder on the Local Density of States in High-TcSuperconducting Thin Films

Using a low temperature scanning tunneling microscope in the spectroscopic mode, we find that the disorder in a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ thin film modifies dramatically the quasiparticle local density of states. Small, but well-defined superconducting regions, coexisting with dominating semiconducting areas, show well-pronounced gap structures, similar to those observed previously in high-quality single crystals. Surprisingly, between these two regions, the detailed shape of the quasiparticle spectrum is virtually identical to the pseudogap previously observed at temperatures T>Tc, or in the vortex core, at 4.2 K. Thus, the role of the disorder in destroying the superconducting phase is comparable to that of the magnetic field or thermal fluctuations.