Using the filter-cutoff method we have measured the quasielastic scattering of slow neutrons from several paramagnetic compounds. Our results for MnF2 at large scattering angles are in reasonable agreement with time-of-flight measurements by Cribier and Jacrot. For small scattering angles we have confirmed the Lorentz-like form of the energy distribution of scattered neutrons predicted by de Gennes. Similar measurements at large and small scattering angles on a partially inverted sample of MnAl2 O4 did not exhibit the predicted angular dependence. This suggests that the assumption of AA interactions only is inappropriate for this compound. From the temperature dependence of the intensity of the (200) magnetic reflection, a Néel temperature of 18°K was deduced for the MnAl2 O4. Our results demonstrate that with an adequate flux of long-wavelength neutrons the inverted-filter technique can be employed successfully in studies of paramagnetic scattering.