Impact of medical school teaching on preregistration house officers' confidence in assessing and managing common psychological morbidity: three centre study

Questionnaires were given to all preregistration house officers during the third month of their first post (October 1994) at the two largest hospitals in three teaching centres. Each centre has a different style of teaching undergraduate psychiatry. In two centres (1 and 2) psychiatry is taught in one block in the fourth year. The third centre (3) offers an integrated course, with lectures in liaison psychiatry during all three clinical years and psychiatry in the fourth year; moreover, liaison psychiatry is part of the final examination. The survey was repeated during the second house job after different training interventions (a compulsory lecture in centre 1 and a voluntary, clinical, problem oriented teaching in centre 3); centre 2 (no intervention) acted as a control. Any differences in score in this assessment could result from the residual effects of medical school teaching, the impact of the training intervention (centres 1 and 3), plus additional effects of maturity, training, exposure to peers or senior staff, and the effects of doing the questionnaire during the first house job.

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