Value of repeat cervical smears at the time of colposcopic biopsy

At our institution, gynecologists perform Pap smears not only as an initial screening procedure but also at the time of colposcopy and biopsy. We compared the results of initial Papanicolaou (Pap) smears with those taken at colposcopic biopsy to determine if repeating the Pap smear at the time of colposcopy contributed to patient management. We found that repeat colposcopic smears often agreed with the referral smears and biopsies. When there was disagreement, the colposcopic smear was more often a lower grade than the referral smear and correlated best with the biopsy. Both referral and colposcopic smears underestimated the severity of cervical lesions with the same frequency. We could document only 5/414 (1.2%) colposcopic smears that contributed to patient care.

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