Studies on the persistence and excretion of egg drop syndrome 1976 virus in chickens1

EDS virus strain 127 did not induce clinical signs or gross lesions in susceptible chicks of various age groups and in adult cocks. Virus persistence in various internal organs and the rate of excretion of virus by experimentally‐infected chicken declined rapidly with increasing age. Virus 127 was detectable in organs of young chicks up to 5 weeks post‐infection and in their faeces up to 2 weeks post‐infection. In adult birds virus 127 persisted in tissues for about 3 weeks and was excreted with faeces for only 1 week post‐infection. Vaccination of adult cocks with an inactivated vaccine resulted in intermittent shedding of virus only within the first 4 days post‐challenge; thus, in comparison to non‐vaccinated chickens, vaccination reduced virus excretion in faeces to a major extent.