The use of piezo micromanipulation for intracytoplasmic sperm injection of human oocytes

Introduction: This paper describes the use of piezo actuator technology for intracytoplasmic sperm injection of human eggs. Methods: Piezo micromanipulation involves a simple and easily made injection pipette of very thin diameter and wall thickness, and it has recently been developed using a mouse model. No bevel or spike is required on the pipettes used. The piezo actuator attaches to conventional micromanipulators and acts to mechanically advance the pipette tip through the zona pellucida using a piezoelectric effect. The oolemma could, in some cases, also be broken using piezo. This technique was applied to 39 patients presenting for in vitro fertilization due to male-factor infertility. Results: The fertilization rate of eggs injected (60.5%), damage rate (7.6%), abnormality rate (3%), and ongoing pregnancy rate beyond 8 weeks (28.2%) are comparable to those for other techniques that have been successfully reported.