A theoretical account is presented of the pulse-height characteristics of NaI(Tl) scintillation counters subjected to energetic heavy-ion bombardment (Z5, EA=110 MeV/nucleon) at room temperature. The falling off of scintillation efficiency dLdE with decreasing energy and the charge dependence at fixed energy are simultaneously accounted for by introducing the concept of a cylinder of high energy-deposit density surrounding the particle track. Inside the cylinder competitive events, favored by high ionization density, are assumed to dominate those which produce the characteristic luminescence emission. Agreement with experiment is best for high-Z particles. Cylinder radii vary over the range 110Rc(Z,v)390 Å. Estimates of the fraction of the total energy loss available for efficient light production yield the values 0.20F0(Z,v)0.50, while the critical value of energy-deposit density defining the high-density cylinder is approximated to be 5.32 × 107 erg/cm3. Also, a brief discussion is presented regarding interpretation of the heavy-ion pulse-height characteristics of pure alkali halides at low temperature, and those of anthracene and NE 102 plastic scintillators, in terms of the track-effect theory.