Loss of equilibrium and reconnection in tearing of two-dimensional equilibria

Two-dimensional tearinglike behavior is studied in reduced resistive magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) with flux conserving boundary conditions on a rectangular box. The tearinglike perturbations do not destroy the symmetries of the initial state, either discrete or continuous. In such cases, in which the perturbation does not break a symmetry of the equilibrium, linear instability is typically not directly observed. However, there can be a loss of equilibrium associated with the existence of a tearing unstable state. These ideas are illustrated with three examples: a very elongated tokamak, a tokamak with pinching coils to elongate its flux surfaces, and a model for the magnetotail or for solar arcades. The loss of equilibrium is demonstrated by means of a nonlinear energy functional. The importance of the fact that the dynamics shows a loss of equilibrium is that a large amount of free energy can be released, in the form of reconnection, and that there is a possibility of hysteresis.