Spectroscopic studies of the reactions Si+F2, SiH4+F2, and SiD4+F2

Spectroscopic studies of the reactions, Si+F2→SiF+F, SiH4+5/2F2→SiF+4HF, and SiD4+5/2F2→SiF+4DF are reported. Chemiluminescence, atomic absorption, and laser induced fluorescence techniques have been employed to probe these reactions. In all the reactions, SiF(A 2Σ→X 2Π) and SiF(a 4Σ→X 2Π) chemiluminescence was observed. Overall system photon yields of the SiH4/F2 reaction for producing SiF(AX) and SiF(ax) emission were ∼5×10−2% and 3×10−5%, respectively. The yields for the analogous SiD4/F2 reaction were about a factor of 2 lower. An energy resonance between SiF and SiH molecules was identified and studied. The results of these studies indicate that these reactions cannot be utilized to chemically produce an SiF electronic transition laser.