Susceptibility to Acaricides of Two-Spotted Spider Mites in the Egg, Larval and Adult Stages

Experiments with 16 acaricides used against Tetranychus bimaculatus showed that bimaculatus showed that with Aramite bimaculatus showed that with Aramite and the organic phosphates the LD50''s for the larvae were higher than for the adults. With Chlorobenzilate, DMC, R-242 and Compound 876, the LD50''s for larvae and adults were similar. With Neotran, Ovotran, Compound 923, Karathane, DN-111, and DN-289, larvae were more susceptible than the adults. With all acaricides but Neotran, Ovotran and Compound 923 the LD50''s for eggs were much higher than for adults. Emulsifiable concentrates were nearly always more effective than wettable powders against all developmental stages. The LD50''s for adult mites on the side of the leaf opposite to the one treated were also recorded.