Forebrain connections of the gustatory system in ictalurid catfishes

Horseradish peroxidase tracing and extracellular electrophysiological recording techniques were employed to delineate prosencephalic connections of the gustatory system in ictalurid catfishes. The isthmic secondary gustatory nucleus projects rostrally to several areas of the ventral diencephalon including the nucleus lobobulbaris and the nucleus lateralis thalami. Injections of HRP in the vicinity of the nucleus lobobulbaris reveal an ascending projection to the telencephalon terminating in the area dorsalis pars medialis (Dm) and the medial region of area dorsalis pars centralis (Dc). Conversely, injections of HRP into the gustatory region of area dorsalis pars medialis label small neurons in the nucleus lobobulbaris. Gustatory neurons in the telencephalon send descending projections via the medial and lateral forebrain bundles to several nuclei in the anterior and ventroposterior diencephalon. The nucleus lateralis thalami, a diencephalic nucleus, receives ascending gustatory projections from the secondary gustatory nucleus but does not project to the telencephalon. Neurons in both the nucleus lateralis thalami and the telencephalic gustatory target exhibit multiple extraoral and oral receptive fields and complex responses to chemical (taste) and tactile stimulation.