In Arabidopsis thaliana, a number of response regulators are presumably involved in His-Asp phosphorelay signal transduction in response to environmental stimuli, such as phytohormones. Previously, it was shown that expression of a certain set of genes for response regulators are cytokinin- and nitrate-responsive in their mRNA accumulation, under certain growth conditions [Taniguchi et al. (1998) FEBS Lett. 429: 259, Brandstatter and Kieber (1998) Plant Cell 10: 1009]. To answer the critical question of whether or not other response regulator genes, so far identified in Arabidopsis thaliana, are also cytokinin-inducible, here an extended comparative examination was carried out. It was demonstrated that not all of response regulator genes are necessarily cytokinin-responsive in their transcription. Rather, the members of a certain subfamily (type-A) are cytokinin-responsive, but those belonging to the other (type-B) are not. The presumed nitrate-responsiveness was also assessed for the same set of response regulators, and the analogous view was supported. These results suggest that the two subtypes of response regulators differ from each other, as judged from not only their structural designs, but also the expression profiles of their transcripts in response to plant stimuli.