IgE Associated nephropathy in a patient with subcutaneous eosinophilic lymphoid granuloma (Kimura's disease)

A patient with subcutaneous eosinophilic lymphoid granuloma (Kimura's disease) associated with a high serum IgE level and a marked blood eosinophilia, had a glomerulonephritis with electron dense deposits in mesangial, paramesangial, subendothelial, intramembranous and epimembranous areas. By immunofluorescence, all the glomeruli showed predominant depositions of IgE and IgG along the paramesangial areas and capillary walls together with complement components. The germinal centers in the lymph follicles formed in both the subcutaneous granuloma and the kidney interstitium also contained mainly IgE and IgG but no complement components. These features of this disease suggest that the glomerular lesion is one of the systemic manifestations of Kimura's disease.