Objective: A general investigation of the vasa venarum network in a segment of canine peripheral vein, isolated between cannulae in an amputated hindlimb. Technique: The vasa venarum were perfused with ink by reflux from the lumen of the segment. The technique worked only when the vein segment was actively constricted and its flow made turbulent. Results: Vasa venarum were found to have the potential to drain, by unvalved channels, directly into their parent segment, into neighbouring veins, into the vasa networks of neighbouring arteries, veins and lymphatics, and into the postcapillary networks of every tissue in the hindlimb. The network contained dedicated arteriovenous anastomoses which drained by valved channels into the parent segment. A feature of the perfusion technique was the production of acute experimental varices. Conclusions: The drainage of the vasa venarum is far more complex than it is believed to be at present. The demonstration that reflux is possible from a vein with competent valves and is associated with the production of varices may have clinical implications.