Genomic DNA sequence and organization of a TL-like gene in the grc-G/C region of the rat

Genes in the grc-G/C region, which is linked to the rat major histocompatibility complex, influence the control of growth, development, and susceptibility to chemical carcinogens. As an initial approach to analyzing the structure and organization of these genes, a class I hybridizing fragment designated RT(5.8) was isolated from an R21 genomic DNA library and sequenced from overlapping restriction enzyme fragments. The RT(5.8) clone has 5788 base pairs and contains the eight exons characteristic of a class I gene. There are CAAT and TATA boxes upstream of the signal peptide, and the recognition sequence that precedes the site of polyadenylation is located downstream from the third cytoplasmic domain. Comparison of the RT(5.8) gene with respect class I genes from the rat and other species shows that the nucleotide sequences of RT(5.8) have a high level of similarity to those of TL region genes of several strains of mice. The peptide sequence deduced from the RT(5.8) clone is distinct from all previously published class I gene sequences, and at many positions there are amino acid residues that are unique to the RT(5.8) sequence. Probes have been isolated from the third exon and from the 5′ and 3′ flanking regions of the RT(5.8) clone, and Southern blot analysis with genomic DNA of various rat strains shows that these probes are specific for the RT(5.8) fragment. Northern blot analysis shows that the gene is transcribed in the thymus but not in the liver or spleen. The RT(5.8) sequence is more similar to some mouse TL genes (especially in the α2 and cytoplasmic domains and in the 5′ and 3′ untranslated regions) than it is to other rat class I genes. Hence, TL-like genes are not restricted to the mouse.