Evaluation of the histologic effect of chemoradiation therapy for squamous cell carcinomas of the esophagus by assessing morphologic features of surgical specimens

The histologic effects of chemoradiation therapy (CRT) for esophageal cancer, which determine the benefit obtained from a salvage operation, are difficult to evaluate preoperatively. We therefore investigated whether or not the morphologic features of esophageal cancer tissue after CRT can be correlated with the histologic features of the tissue. Seventy-six patients with advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma underwent CRT followed by esophagectomy. The effects of CRT were evaluated by histologic examination of the residual tumors in the surgical specimen and correlated with clinicopathologic factors, including postoperative prognosis. The histologic effects of CRT were used to classify tumors as grade 1 (CRT poorly effective; 23 cases, 30.3%); grade 2 (CRT moderately effective; 31 cases, 40.8%); or grade 3 (CRT completely effective with no residual tumors; 22 cases, 28.9%). Among the gross findings of the removed esophagus, significant correlation with the CRT effects was observed in the case of wall thickness and ulceration but not in the case of longitudinal tumor length. Tumors with no wall thickening or ulceration were never classified as grade 1, whereas tumors with both wall thickening and ulceration were frequently rated as grade 1 (18/30, 60%). Microscopic examination of grade 2 tumors (23/31, 74.1%) revealed residual tumor cells growing below the mucosal layer, whereas tumor cells were exposed to the esophageal surface in 22 out of 23 patients with grade 1 tumors. The morphologic features after CRT can be used to evaluate its histologic effect, especially in the case of grade 1 tumors. However, the detection and prediction of grade 2 tumors remains difficult because of the presence of small amounts of residual tumor underneath the mucosa.