High-Energyπ0Photoproduction from Hydrogen with Unpolarized and Linearly Polarized Photons

We have completed measurements of the differential cross section for γ+pπ0+p, and the asymmetry with polarized photons, for incident photon energies from 4 to 18 GeV and momentum transfers between t=0.1 and 1.4 (GeV/c)2. The experiment was performed at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, using the SLAC 1.6-GeV/c spectrometer to analyze protons recoiling from a hydrogen target. For the cross-section measurements a normal collimated bremsstrahlung beam was used. For the asymmetry measurements the polarized photons were produced by coherent bremsstrahlung from a diamond crystal, and a coincidence was required between the recoil proton and one of the π0 decay photons in a shower counter.