Neurological complications of bone marrow transplantation in childhood

Bone marrow transplantation, used in the treatment of cancer, aplastic anemia, and metabolic diseases, involves the use of potentially neurotoxic agents to suppress immunity and eradicate malignancy. Fifty‐seven patients with a median age of 11 years (age range, 6 months to 24 years) underwent bone marrow transplantation at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. Fifty‐nine percent developed neurological abnormalities. Twenty‐six patients (46%) had central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction, including infection (8), cerebrovascular accident (5), CNS leukemia (7), metabolic encephalopathy (5), and paraparesis with CNS toxoplasmosis (1). Neuropsychological dysfunction was present in 4 of 5 longterm survivors who were tested. Fourteen of 19 patients (74%) on whom postmortem examination was performed were found to have CNS abnormalities, including cerebral atrophy (10), focal cerebral injury (6), leukemia (5), and infection (3). Fourteen patients (24%) had peripheral nervous system dysfunction. CNS dysfunction was more common in patients with lymphoreticular malignancies. Cerebrovascular accidents (in patients with lymphoreticular malignancies) and infections (in our general population and in patients with lymphoreticular malignancies) occurred more often in our patients than in patients with similar illnesses who did not undergo bone marrow transplantation. The combination of prior treatment and preparative therapy for bone marrow transplantation predisposes patients to neurological and neuropsychological sequelae.