Modified Anisotropic Gurson Yield Criterion for Porous Ductile Sheet Metals

The influence of plastic anisotropy on the plastic behavior of porous ductile materials is investigated by a three-dimensional finite element analysis. A unit cell of cube containing a spherical void is modeled. The Hill quadratic anisotropic yield criterion is used to describe the matrix normal anisotropy and planar isotropy. The matrix material is first assumed to be elastic perfectly plastic. Macroscopically uniform displacements are applied to the faces of the cube. The finite element computational results are compared with those based on the closed-form anisotropic Gurson yield criterion suggested in Liao et al. 1997, “Approximate Yield Criteria for Anisotropic Porous Ductile Sheet Metals,” Mech. Mater., pp. 213–226. Three fitting parameters are suggested for the closed-form yield criterion to fit the results based on the modified yield criterion to those of finite element computations. When the strain hardening of the matrix is considered, the computational results of the macroscopic stress-strain behavior are in agreement with those based on the modified anisotropic Gurson’s yield criterion under uniaxial and equal biaxial tensile loading conditions.

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