Multiphoton Ionization of Hydrogen and Rare-Gas Atoms

A perturbation theory of the ionization of atoms by simultaneous absorption of several photons, each of whose energy is less than the ionization potential, is developed from the evolution-operator formalism. A precise computation is made for the hydrogen atom, giving transition rates as a function of photon energy for two- through twelve-photon photoionization. The eighth-order ionization rate (in cgs units) at the 1.78-eV ruby-laser line is found to be ∼10244×(photonflux)8 and should be observable using available techniques. Good agreement is obtained with Zernik's exact calculation of the two-photon ionization rate of metastable 2S hydrogen. Approximate calculations are made for the rare gases. Assuming "typical" experimental conditions of a gas density of ∼1020 atoms cm3 and a ruby laser focused into a volume of ∼108 cm3, we find that the flux required to liberate one electron during a 10-nsec pulse is ∼1029 cm2 sec1 for Xe, Kr, and Ar and ∼5×1030 photons cm2 sec1 for Ne and He. These gases ionize with the simultaneous absorption of 7, 8, 9, 13, and 14 photons, respectively. The predicted rate for Xe is found to be in excellent agreement with the recent direct measurements of Voronov and Delone. We conclude that multiphoton ionization provides the initial electrons required for the optical breakdown of gases, though it does not account for the over-all growth of the discharge except possibly at very low pressures. Impurity atoms (particularly heavy rare gases) may be the source of "initiating" electrons in Ne and He.