Ventilatory response in the fetal lamb following peripheral chemodenervation

Carotid infusions of sodium cyanide solution and perfusions of hypoxemic or hypercapnic fetal blood were done before and after peripheral chemoreceptor denervation. Step changes in PaO2 [partial pressure of O2] ranged from -11 to -22 Torr; step changes in PaCO2 ranged from +17 to +42 Torr. The cyanide dose was 0.2 mg/kg per loop system. Control perfusions consisted of 25 ml of fetal blood without changes in pH and blood gases. A ventilatory response occurred in the majority of all experimental perfusions regardless of innervation status of the peripheral chemoreceptors. No response occurred with control perfusions. There was a marked variability in the time of onset of ventilatory activity with a delay of greater than 10 s occurring following most perfusions. The fetus had an attentuated ventilatory response to chemical stimuli, and hypoxia stimulates ventilation in the absence of peripheral chemoreceptors.