Encapsulation of viable animal cells for hybrid bioartificial organs by the Biosil method

Gas phase silicon alkoxides react with the wet surface of mammalian cells, affording a stable and homogeneous layer of amorphous SiO2 modified by Si-CH3 and Si-H bonds. Layer thickness may be controlled by exposure time. The layer does not suppress cell viability or functionality, and may be applied to cells supported on a trapping network or to cell aggregates. H4-II-E-C3 rat hepatoma cells, Hep G2 human cancer cells and human fibroblasts on various supports were encapsulated by the SiO2 layer and studied in terms of glucose utilization and 3H-leucin incorporation into secreted proteins. In the case of pancreatic islets, encapsulation was carried out without supports, so that original islet volume and features were maintained. In vitro results indicate preservation of vitality and function, as tested by insulin production.

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