Color Doppler evaluation of aortic dissection.

Color Doppler studies were performed in 16 adult patients with proven DeBakey type I and III aortic dissection. Simultaneous opacification of both aortic lumina with oppositely directed flow was noted by color Doppler in at least one aortic segment in 14 of 16 patients (12 type I, two type III). In two patients (one type I, one type III), flow was seen in one lumen only, with clot demonstrated in the other lumen in one of them. Of 12 patients in whom communication between two aortic dissection channels was shown by angiography/surgery, color Doppler correctly identified them in nine patients (four ascending aorta, two aortic arch, and three descending aorta), either by direct visualization of flow moving from one lumen into the other (six patients) or indirectly by analyzing differences in timing of opacification of the two lumina and flow direction (three patients). Also, color Doppler correctly diagnosed aortic regurgitation as severe (aortic regurgitation jet occupying more than 75% of left ventricular outflow) in three patients and moderate in four patients. Color Doppler provides comprehensive evaluation of flow dynamics in aortic dissection.