Effect of magnetic order on the fluorescence dynamics ofTbF3

The dynamical properties of Tb3+ fluorescence in TbF3 have been investigated above and below its ferromagnetic phase transition (TC=3.95 K). Near and below TC the magnetic interactions lead to splittings and shifts of the optical lines reflecting the interionic interactions and the onset of the ordered state. A dramatic (factor of 10) lengthening of the exciton decay occurs both when lowering the temperature below TC and when applying an appropriate external magnetic field along the easy axis above TC. Throughout the range from 300 to 1.6 K, the experimental fluorescence decays are in agreement with a rate-equation model involving fast-diffusion energy transfer among intrinsic ions. The observed decrease in diffusion coefficient can be understood either as the result of a large reduction of the resonant energy transfer between intrinsic ions or as the result of a decrease in the trapping probability in the ferromagnetic or aligned paramagnetic phases. Either process may be understood in terms of the short-range Tb3+-Tb3+ interactions and the properties of the ordered state.