Two experiments studied the effects of brief response-dependent clock stimuli in fixed-interval schedules of reinforcement. In the first experiment, two pigeons were exposed to a fixed-interval schedule. Two conditions were compared. In both conditions each peck on the key produced a brief stimulus. In one condition, pecks produced a different stimulus in successive sixths of the interval. This was the clock condition. In the other condition, the same stimulus was produced throughout the interval. Response rates were lower and the pause after reinforcement was longer in the clock condition. In the second experiment, a two-key optional clock procedure was used. Responding on the clock key produced one of three stimuli correlated with the three successive minutes of a fixed-interval schedule. A response on the other key produced grain at the end of the 3 min. When the final stimulus was removed from the situation and pecking produced nothing during the third minute, responding to the clock key declined to a very low rate. When the first two stimuli were removed and the third one replaced, responding to the clock key was resumed.

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