Mid‐IR microspectroscopic imaging of breast tumor tissue sections

IR microspectroscopic imaging is a relatively new approach for the examination of tissue sections. In contrast to standard light microscopy based procedures, the IR approach requires neither sample staining nor fixation. The IR spectra of breast tumor tissue sections are obtained via a microscope equipped with a focal plane array detector. This enabled the simultaneous collection of individual mid‐IR spectra from thousands of different sample positions with a spatial resolution near the diffraction limit. The analysis of the IR data reveals a high sensitivity of the IR approach toward changes in tissue biochemistry and variations in breast tissue architecture. Moreover, the data demonstrate the need for collecting spectra with high spatial resolution at the level of individual cells. This minimizes problems associated with tissue microheterogeneity and is an essential prerequisite for future studies aimed at developing IR microspectroscopic imaging as a complement to present diagnostic tools for breast cancer. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers (Biospectroscopy) 67: 354–357, 2002