Premixed turbulent combustion in the flamelet regime is analysed on the basis of a field equation. This equation describes the instantaneous flame contour as an isoscalar surface of the scalar field G(x,t). The field equation contains the laminar burning velocity sL as velocity scale and its extension includes the effect of flame stretch involving the Markstein length [Lscr ] as a characteristic lengthscale of the order of the flame thickness. The scalar G(x,t) plays a similar role for premixed flamelet combustion as the mixture fraction Z(x,t) in the theory of non-premixed flamelet combustion.Equations for the mean . For the case of plane normal and oblique turbulent flames the turbulent burning velocity sT and the flame shape is calculated. In the absence of flame stretch the linear relation sT ∼ u′ is recovered. The flame brush thickness is of the order of the integral lengthscale. In the case of a V-shaped flame its increase with downstream position is calculated.