Multiple-unit responses to tones were recorded from a group of 138 fixed wire probes located in medial geniculate (MGB) and adjacent parabrachial area of the lateral midbrain tegmentum (PB) of 29 behaving rats during a series of differential appetitive conditioning, pseudoconditioning and reversal sessions. Recordings were obtained from 134 probes located in the inferior colliculus (IC) of a separate group of 24 rats in experiments using the same experimental paradigm. The goal was to identify the circuitry and possible function of conditioning-related changes of auditory evoked response reported in some of these regions. The approach was to determine whether units whose responses were associatively changed by these conditioning procedures differed either in anatomic locus or response pattern from those that were not associatively changed. The anatomic distribution of associative changes was compared with that reported with other conditioning procedures.