The solar spectrum is divided into four wavelength ranges. For each range curves of growth for Fe I lines are constructed, grouping lines according to their lower excitation potential. Evidence is given for an increase of damping constant with depth in the solar atmosphere. There is little evidence for a decrease of turbulent velocity with depth. Anomalously high apparent temperatures at large optical depths seem to demand the existence of either (i) very large ƒ -values, or (ii) a non-L.T.E. overpopulation of energy levels for large depths, or (iii) peculiarities in the mechanism of line formation at large depths. An abundance of iron of log N (Fe) = 6.81 is found, where the scale is log N (H) = 12.00. This agrees favourably with recent estimates of the abundance of iron in the photosphere. Data are given for the estimation of solar line strengths. The evidence for the occurrence of [Fe II ] absorption lines in the solar spectrum is discussed.

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