Clinical significance of focal echogenic liver lesions

During a 4-year period, 53 focal echogenic liver lesions were demonstrated by sonography in 41 patients, in whom there was no evidence of metastatic origin. Most of the lesions were hemangiomas. One of the purposes of this study was to determine the characteristic ultrasound features for liver hemangioma. Small (less than 2 cm), homogeneous, echogenic, well-circumscribed, subcapsular lesions almost prove their hemangiomatous nature. Lesions with a diameter of more than 2 cm are usually more lobulated and heterogeneous. They are located more centrally in the liver and nearly all show a close anatomical relation with 1 of the hepatic veins. Very large lesions (greater than 5 cm) with a heterogeneous and irregular aspect suggest focal nodular hyperplasia, which must be proven by a Tc-isotopic liver scan.