The hemostatic effect of deacetylated chitin membrane on peritoneal injury in rabbit model

In this study, we determined the effect of 80% deacetylated chitin (DAC-80) membrane on postsurgical bleeding after visceral and parietal peritoneal abrasion. Japanese white rabbits underwent a midline laparotomy followed either by a bilateral peritoneal sidewall abrasion (4×4 cm) or an abrasion of liver surface (3×2 cm). The injured surface was then covered with a 0.2 mm thick DAC-80 membrane. On postsurgical day 2, the rabbits were sacrificed and the amounts of postsurgical bleeding was determined by quantitating the number of red blood cells recovered in 50 ml peritoneal lavage fluid. The DAC-80 membrane was found to reduce postsurgical bleeding after the abrasion of liver surface (treated with DAC-80 membrane: 2.9±0.8; control: 24.6±5.9×108 cells/peritoneal cavity, P<0.005). This same hemostatic activity was not observed after application in the peritoneal sidewall abrasion model. We also measured plasminogen activator activity (PA) and urokinase inhibitory (PAI) activity in the spent culture media of macrophages recovered from the postsurgical peritoneal exudate. The DAC-80 membrane reduced the PA secretion from postsurgical macrophages after liver surface abrasion (treated with DAC-80: 2.8±0.7; control: 3.9±0.9 mPU/ml). The DAC-80 membrane also showed similar effects on PA secretion after peritoneal sidewall abrasion. No significant effects were found in the secretion of PAI by postsurgical macrophages in both surgical models. These findings suggest that the DAC-80 membrane may have hemostatic activity through the modulation of fibrinolytic activity of peritoneal exudative macrophages.