Three dietary experiments have been performed in which 36, 37, and 49 male medical students and staff members participated as experimental subjects. In each study, everyone consumed the same homogeneous formula diet for eight days at which time they were divided into five groups. One group was maintained on the original diet for a further eight days and the others were given diets varying in respect of the level and nature of the fat moiety. Protein supplied 16.9% of total calories in all experimental rations. In the first experiment, 37 subjects ingested a diet providing 58.5% of calories as corn oil. During the initial period the average of the individual percentage decreases in plasma cholesterol was 32.0 (P = < 0.01). Those continuing on corn oil displayed a further insignificant decrease. The others, receiving diets high in beef dripping, chicken fat, lard, and butter showed average individual percentage increases of 11.7 (P = > 0.05), 12.7 (P = > 0.05), 15.4 (P = < 0.01), and 28.8 (P = < 0.01), respectively. In the second experiment, 49 subjects consumed a fat-free diet for eight days. The average individual percentage decrease in plasma cholesterol was 22.2 (P = < 0.01). Those continuing on the fat-free diet showed little further change. Those ingesting 20 and 60% of calories as corn oil showed further percentage decreases of 6.9 (P = > 0.05) and 15.2 (P = < 0.01), respectively. By contrast, those receiving diets providing 20 and 60%, of calories as butterfat showed respectively percentage increases of 6.6 (P = > 0.05) and 21.7 (P = < 0.01). In the third experiment, 36 subjects ingested for eight days a diet in which butterfat provided 60% of calories. The plasma cholesterol level remained essentially constant, and did not change significantly in those continuing on this diet for a further eight days. The composition of the fat moiety in the remaining groups in terms of per cent calories derived from butter-fat and corn oil respectively was: 45: 15; 30: 30; 15: 45; and 0: 60. The averages of the individual percentage decreases in plasma cholesterol values were, respectively, 3.9, 15.9, 27.1, and 32.0. Except for the lowest of these values all the changes are highly significant (P = < 0.01). In addition to other conclusions that may be drawn from this work, these studies reveal that (1) there is a factor (or are factors) in certain animal fats that acts to elevate plasma cholesterol levels, and (2) there is a factor (or are factors) in corn oil that acts to depress plasma cholesterol levels.