High-Volume Rapid HIV Testing in an Urban Emergency Department

New Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines recommend routine HIV screening in locations including emergency departments. This study evaluates a novel approach to HIV counseling and testing (C&T) in a high-volume inner-city emergency department in terms of the number of patients who can be recruited, tested, test positive, and are linked to care. This prospective evaluation was conducted for 26 months. Noncritically ill or injured patients presenting to an inner-city emergency department were recruited. Patients used a multimedia program that facilitated data entry and viewed previously evaluated HIV counseling videos. Demographic characteristics, risk factors, and sexual history were collected. Data were collected on the number of patients tested, number of HIV-positive patients identified, and number linked to care. Demographic characteristics of the participants were as follows: 48.7% males, mean age 32.6 ± 11.3, 34.6% Hispanic, and 37.9 % African American. Of the 7109 eligible patients approached, 6214 (87.4%) agreed to be HIV tested. There were 57 newly diagnosed or confirmed HIV-positive patients, representing a seroprevalence of 0.92%. Of those testing positive, 49 (84.2%) were linked to care and had a mean initial CD4 count of 238 cells/mm3. In conclusion, a video-assisted rapid HIV program in a busy inner-city hospital emergency department can effectively test a high volume of patients and successfully link HIV-positive individuals to care, while providing high-quality education and prevention messages for all those who test.

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