Many-port homodyne detection of an optical phase

We present a quantum analysis of the measurement of a relative optical phase using a many-port method that can be implemented using arrays of photodetectors in the limit of a large number of detector elements. Its application to coherent states and states not describable by the semiclassical theory shows that the many-port method has in principle several advantages compared to an eight-port method previously studied. In some cases, especially for very weak fields, the many-port method provides a more faithful characterization (i.e., a smoother distribution) of the distribution of the relative phase than does the eight-port method. The definition used here for the relative phase between two fields is an operational one, not corresponding to any presently known Hermitian phase operator. We discuss the conditions under which our phase definition corresponds to the best estimate in the maximum-likelihood sense. We find that if the many-port data set is analyzed in a way that retains the contributions from zero photon counts, the many-port phase distribution takes on a character that resembles other phase distributions, such as the Pegg-Barnett or Wigner phase distributions, that show very small modulation depth in the case of weak fields.