This paper presents data from an ongoing study on psychosocial stress and sources of social support in adolescence. It is a longitudinal survey of a representative sample of 1717 13–16 year olds supplemented by detailed case studies. Data on problem behaviour such as delinquency, aggression, drug abuse, and psychosomatic complaints are related to measures of the quality of adolescents ‘relationships with friends, parents, and teachers. The focus of this paper is on the effectiveness of teachers and other professionals (psychologists, social workers, career counselors, ministers) in helping adolescents deal with problems. Among the sources of stress identified are discrepancies between adolescents’ school performance, their parents' expectations and their feelings of inadequacy in ‘keeping up’ with their peers. Potential preventive and remedial interventions are considered, including preventive youth and family policies, teachers as counselors, peer counseling and the introduction of professional counselors into schools.